I hope this is the correct forum.
Is there really any point in trying to submit to DYS with a portfolio? I have read so much that makes me think it might not be a good idea.
I have video of him doing long multiplication and playing Timez Attack at 5, as well as video of him reading very competently at 4, I also have pictures of him doing 21 column, 3 row addition and subtraction and lots of work samples and scores from his Didj and EPGY. (96 - 100%)
But will it be enough? I cant afford to have him IQ tested right now. From everything we have read and judging by his milestones, my husband and I have every reason to believe he is exceptionally gifted (the research opened our eyes to his younger brother too), but we have no test scores, no money (particularly at this time of year) and he has never been to school, so there is no way of doing this through a school. I'm even having trouble finding people to recommend him, since he is only six and has had no outside instruction for anything except baseball and Taekwondo for a while, before that, it was all mommy and me stuff.
From what I have gathered, DYS would be a great way for us to meet other people in similar situations (this site has already been amazing for us!). And get some advice on what to do with him academically, since he is about to begin doing algebra workbooks at 6.
I have started the portfolio and it sits here taunting me; to send or not to send? I just wish I had some test scores or something to go with it.

What do you think?