St. Pauli - I'm so sorry to hear it's not going so well. So much of that sounds familiar.
I hope doing EPGY at home will generate some more evidence that he needs some acceleration quickly. I'm glad he doesn't fight on the way in though! Keep us posted and vent if you have to.
We're doing EPGY at home. I haven't even attempted to get something like that at school. Hopefully it might be a possibility next year when he's full day --though I'm leaning more and more towards just wanting to homeschool him and be done with it -- unless they move him up for math. But even then I think they'd only move him to 2nd grade and since he's already almost through 2nd grade on EPGY I don't think he'd get much out of it.
We are planning a SST meeting to see what the school might be able to do for DS. I don't know if much will come of it but they are aware(ish) of his possible sensory issues so that may help them (or hinder them) from doing something more for him.
The only 'concessions' we have are he gets to do Accelerated Reading which took until end of Sep to have him tested and then until 3 weeks ago to really get him taking quizzes. Now that is going smoothly and he seems to be taking 3-5 a week! He also gets to do some slightly harder (1st grade) I believe reading comp. worksheets and the occasional math worksheet is offered.
I think it's just really hard for them with 1/2 day K to 'find the time' to deal with the accelerated kids. He's not the only one in the class, there is one other boy but he's not quite as ahead as DS and a behavior problem to boot.
I've gotten from DS that he only likes recess quite a few times, but he seems happy and content most of the time about going to school. He did go and sit on the sidelines at the party/'dance' they had the other day though which made me feel horrible

(since I didn't stay due to my DD being too little to go, she's 4). He loves his teacher though so I'm sure that helps a ton.