GM5 - my heart goes out to ya!
Update for DS6 in less than one month:
At the start of this month, he and a few other selected students in his class have been going to see one of the ALP (Advanced Learning Program aka Target aka Gifted Pullout Class) teachers. They told me when we had the meeting to move him to 1st to not expect a note to be sent about additional testing, just the note stating he'll start Target in January. I was waiting for that note, but apparently they just took my word from the meeting that we wanted him there. Anywho, turns out, DS is at the top of his class of first graders right now... reassurance that the whole grade skip now was absolutely the right decision for him! Now I just hope they don't come back stating he needs to be skipped again... I don't think I can handle him in a class with some 8 year olds (after Sept 1 bdays), regardless of his level of maturity!

Though maybe, if Target/ALP isn't enough, they can work on 2nd grade pullout stuff with him.
Also, we continue to be amazed with his memory (he's personally working on learning the Presidents in order) and his creative writing. He recently wrote a story about a boy named Daniel and his desire to have a baby sister. Then the next day, he wrote about Daniel's sister Abby. DH and I are amazed at his ability to continue one story into another. As a HUGE fan of writing myself, I wouldn't be too upset if that becomes his niche!