I'm forwarding this on from another group I am on:
Looking for stories from California parents who have had a hard time getting their child accelerated!
I'm lobbying to get the California Legislature to adopt a bill requiring school districts to adopt a reasonable, objective, and clearly spelled out acceleration policy. (Following Ohio's very successful policy, I'm hoping the Legislature will also require CA DOE to adopt a model policy for school districts.)
If you have stories about the difficulties you've faced because of the lack of such clear and objective policies, I'd love to pass them on to legislators who may be willing to carry this legislation. If you e-mail me with your tales -- Susan.Goodkin@yahoo.com -- , I'll forward them on. If you'd prefer to remain anonymous, please let me know and I'll delete your e-mail address and name, and just forward the text.
Thanks for your help in this effort! The best way to get this legislation passed is for our representatives to hear from parents.
Susan Goodkin
Executive Director
California Learning Strategies Center