Hello! Well, after a big pow-wow with the g/t coordinator, principal, and teachers...in third grade, my child did receive two private tutors for half the class day

I was armed with Dr. Ruf's book, private testing scores, etc...etc...etc...I think that it helped showing she was a level three, but ultimately I believe that it was her IQ score coupled with various classroom behavior problems that showed she needed something else...The traditional classroom just wasn't doing it anymore. The part in Dr. Ruf's book showing who famously was at each level, caused them to pause...pointing out to them, for example, that Leonardo da Vinci was a level three like my DD...Her characteristics of being very visual-spatial etc...are very much on with his. Overall, I believe showing her level helped "paint the picture" but no, if I only had that to go on, and not the IQ score or other observations, I know she wouldn't have received the tutors. Good luck with everything!