Does your DD seem to be a visual-spatial learner? Does she seem to have vision issues when it comes to reading? Is she a perfectionist who might not want to read until she can do it perfectly?
Of course I can't tell you about your own child, but I can tell you that we regularly call one another on GT denial moments around here. Most of us on the forum have them from time to time with younger kids, mostly because they have those "duh" moments. (Well named, BTW! LOL!).
Even the most highly gifted kids will have "duh" moments because they are still kids. I wouldn't let that dissuade you from believing that something more is going on with your DD.
With that said, I am very sympathetic to what you're going through because we are still muddling through what's going on with our DS5. Until less than a year ago, when he suddenly started doing math problems in his head, I wasn't really buying that he was GT at all. But he had this sudden, radical shift in interest and ability--really, REALLY sudden and radical! And apparently that's pretty common, especially in visual-spatial kids, which I suspect he might be. When they "get it," they TOTALLY get it, and in a big way. There's nothing gradual about their development.
He did the same thing with writing when he was 3.5, I think it was. He just decided he was going to learn how to write. He literally said out loud, "I'm going to learn how to write." And within 36 hours, he was writing as well as his 6.5yo brother!
So sudden, huge leaps do happen sometimes. It's pretty freaky when you're not used to that--as I am not!--but they exist.
I'm still not sure how GT our DS5 is, but I have come to accept that he does seem to be GT at some level. We're testing this school year.
So, yeah, new territory I completely understand!

Just don't be surprised when someone accuses you of GT denial. I feel it may be coming for you...