Hello everybody again.
I posted for a first time last year, after we tested my son with WPPSI-III. He scored HG, not enough for Davidson by couple of points. His achievement (WJ) was also there just enough to qualify. So we left it at that.
However, the tester told me that he missed to answer correctly the very first,easy questions , but kept on going and answered all the rest correctly, I knew he hit ceilings in several areas (19). He is also not to good with timed tests, and fluency hurt his scores in IQ and achievement. I always had the thought about the test not showing his true abilities in mind. He started K in magnet school, with pull out gifted program. So far,he is somewhat happy at school (his first couple of months of school, until now he was home-schooled unschooled (we studied what he was interested in).
Fast forwarding to this week, DS (5.10)took the SB-V and WIAT II. And wow. His tests results got me floored and the gifted denial, that I worked on the whole last year, is back in it's full strength.
So finally, after a long intro here is my question: Does anybody has an experience with the extended norms for SB-V?
My DS had 2x19, and 5x18, and his Full scale is over 150.
I know, at this point it does not really change anything, it would just be interesting to know. (Maybe it would cure me with a shock

Finally, I would like to let anybody, who is still wondering about their kids and it just does not compare with other gifted kids, know: Go with your intuition, you may be surprised.
(Also somebody was asking about SB-V being useful, I hope I helped to answer that question).