Ruf's book is the one that helped me get over my GT denial. Like Dandy, I thought DS8 (age 6 when I started this journey) was MG-HG, tops. Ruf's book threw all that into doubt and led to testing for us beyond what the school offered. It's a good place to start.

It has its critics, and their criticisms aren't wrong. It is very anecdotal, it's probably a self-selected group she's studying, etc. But the book has its place in the process, I think. Sometimes it's what a person needs. It helped me more than any other book I've read.
Dandy: I agree with the t-shirt. I definitely think parents are nearly always right if they think that their kids are gifted.
But...I think parents are often surprised by the level of GTness. That happens a lot, especially if the family is a GT one. A child who is more GT than the family norm may register as only MG, when in fact the family norm *starts* at MG-HG (or higher), and the child in question is beyond that. When your whole frame of reference is skewed, you're bound to be off!
So your shirt's not wrong, I don't think. It's just not talking about levels. We parents do tend to be pretty hopeless at gauging that!