BKD - Sorry to hear the original tester didn't think her original test results were worth considering...Did you have achievement testing done at some point?
We have had some pretty extreme emotional times around here, too, finding a good academic and social fit for our boy has been a tremendous help in bringing back our fun loving child, feeling good about himself rather than confused and angry.
After loads of inquiry with the school, various tests which mostly did not show what I thought was 'true' for ds, we have some mg scores for him, he is in the pretty good gt program at the school, met a few kids there, met a few kids in cub scouts and it on an up-swing rather than continuing to grind downwards.
You should be worried, upset, angry if he is not getting what he needs in school and it is messing with his self-image in this way!! So sorry to hear you have more work ahead of you, but I am an optimist, hopefully there will be a way to make something work for him.