JamieB, they tell me that a lot of his issues have to do with self-control and getting his own way. Examples: He has a hard time sitting still (moves around a lot when the kids are sitting down on the ground) and will invade other kids' personal space, even when sitting at a table. He'll melt down when the teacher is doing something and he doesn't want to do it, or if the teacher wants to move on and he doesn't want to. Also they tell me he hasn't been following the rules (e.g., will raise his hand to answer a question but then will blurt out the answer when not called, being disruptive in this manner to the point where the teacher can't teach).
With all that said, I went in today to volunteer and he was having a much better day! It's really been a roller coaster, because all days haven't been bad, but some days worse than others. They set up a special behavior chart for him so that he can focus on certain behaviors, and hopefully that is working. He seems to be starting to focus on it. It's hard to read him sometimes, because part of it, I think, is him being 5 (and also very asynchronous), but part of it is that he can be very stubborn - a contrarian and sometimes I think he enjoys the reaction he gets.
So, I'm taking one day at a time at this point....the roller coaster ride continues and the gray hairs continue to multiply!