NUMATS stands for Northwestern University's Midwest Academic Talent Search. It is separate talent search from the JHU CTY talent search. Students in the NUMATS program take the EXPLORE test instead of the SCAT test that the JHU CTY students take.

My DD does 4th grade math with her 4th grade class. They do not have a gifted program at her school and from what I can tell, they keep everyone doing the same course work in their classes until 6th grade. I think for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade they do a much better job meeting the needs of individual students. For example, I think they would allow an advanced 6th grader to take a math class with 7th or 8th graders.

Outside of school she has been working with a tutor once a week just going through a 5th grade review book. I want her to start the EPGY 3/4 accelerated online math course at home, see how she does, then move on to their math 5/6 course. With the EPGY math she can just move at her own pace but I am not sure yet how fast she will progress. Her school is not going to allow her to do online work at school next year. It will all have to be at home for now.