Everyone please read the following:
I was online today with EPGY and am now able to make student changes! I would like everyone to be aware of a few things that have changed on the system.
All children have been changed are are now listed under reinforcement, which means that there will be more detailed instruction given for all areas of instruction in math. If this is a problem for your individual child over the next few course log-ins please contact me and I will be able to change the individual child.
Tunes have now been added to all math programing. If this is a problem for the student it can be turned off individually.
Exams can be turned on for the end of each grade level, this will be individual choice. Contact me if you would like your child to complete the end of grade exams and I will enable it.
Individual course login session times can be changed to meet your individual child's needs. Contact me if you need this changed. The setting is enabled for 10-60 minutes.
There will be more courses added in the near future to the open enrollment program! Yeah! Particularly for the Introductory Algebra which will benefit many of us in the future. I also discovered that CTY uses the EPGY program under their heading.

Please email me directly with all course change requests under the subject 'EPGY course change request'. My email volume is very heavy right now and this will allow me to pick out your request. I am expecting many requests so please be patient I will get to them asap.
Thank you to this forun for allowing us to put this together for the benefit of all forum members who are interested in EPGY!