Dazed and Confused: TOMAGS is a the name of a test. It stands for Test of Mathematical Ability for Gifted Students". I don't know anything about it, other than that

Shellymos: Thanks for the effort--I appreciate it. My DD was tested through the school district, which is now out for the summer. I was told that the score was within the "gifted range", but I was hoping for a clearer picture than that. The test was actually done a year ago, but I've been trying to put together a more comprehensive picture of my kiddo (for a lot of reasons) so I asked for the actual score to include in my profile. As an aside, my DS was given the test during kindergarten and did not do well, but was then, and is now, achieving quite a bit above grade in many areas. I know that behavior/personality/maturity played a part (at the time would not attempt something new unless certain it would be "right", especially in a formal situation with an unfamiliar adult), but I also know that the tester said that areas he left blank included fractions and time telling. He'd never seen fractions, and hadn't really ever paid attention to time (runs on his own schedule and ignores the clock whenever possible

). I'm curious as to how he would do now, after a year of instruction that was differentiated for him and a slightly more relaxed attitude towards "mistakes".... As I said at the top of the post, I really don't know much about this test, but based on my DS, I suspect that it may require exposure to skills/notation in order for a child to demonstrate depth of reasoning. Perhaps you would want to ask your tester before deciding when your DS should take it.
Then again...what do I know
