I've been lurking for a while but really need some advice about how to proceed:
I have DS4 (DOB: 01/05). He has been demonstrating high-potential/giftedness from early infancy. We have other HG and PG in the extended family too.
In lengthy attempts to find appropriate schooling for him, we had him tested by a private psychologist in November of 2008 (he was 3.9 yrs old). The test scores have definitely added credibility to our observations and are helping us on the academic search but . . .
The psychologist didn't feel like the scores were entirely representative of his ability because of his age (i.e. his non-verbal scores are very low because he was easily distracted) ((I�ve listed the scores below)) As his parents, we agree.
For many of the programs that I am looking at, his current test scores do not meet the minimum qualifications for admittance. (his low non-verbal scores disqualify him)
I'm having issues interpreting the SB-V scores. Ultimately, I guess I�m just not sure where he really falls on the curve. The terms �moderately gifted,� �highly gifted� and �profoundly gifted� used in the literature but these classifications don�t seem to clearly fit the test scores generated on the SB-V. Also, I keep seeing �old� IQ scores as a basis but don�t know how these relate to the scores used today.
My questions are as follows:
1. Where does he "fall on the curve?" I've never seen another child like him (but, obviously, I'm biased). I need to make sure I'm looking at the right programs.
2. Should we re-test and hope for better NV scores when he is a bit older and more mature? Any recommendations as to when to restest?
3. Our physiologist is now administering the SB-IV instead of the SB-V because they didn�t �like the results we were getting.� Thoughts?
Here are his scores:
Age: 3.9
FSIQ: 128 (97)
NVIQ: 115 (84)
NV FR: 11 (63)
NV KN: 11 (63)
NV QR: 15 (95)
NV VS: 9 (37)
NV WM: 10 (50)
VIQ: 139 (99.5)
V FR: 16 (98)
V KN: 16 (98)
V QR: 15 (95)
V VS: 15 (95)
V WM: 19 (99.7)
Index FR: 121 (92)
Index KN: 120 (91)
Index QR: 133 (99)
Index VS: 117 (87)
Index WM: 132 (98)
WRAT-4 (based on 5yr old norms)
Reading SS 137 (99)
Bracken Total: SS 150 (>99.9)
Thanks for reading this far! I know I was verbose!!