I'm so excited people I can actually talk to!

My brother (younger, but no ADD - there are 2) does understand how smart and how difficult Lucas can be, but as he doesn't have kids it's still not the same thing as being able to talk to other parents.
Thanks for the suggestions, I will keep looking for an appropriate play group for Lucas. I have noticed already that he doesn't relate well to kids his own age and would rather chase the big kids on the playground (he's such a flirt!!). Unfortunately I don't know allot of people with older children that are appropriate playmates for him, so for now it's just his beloved dogs. He does have a little initial shyness around adults, but he gets over it in about 30 seconds of hiding beside mom. I do want to nip that in the butt as I'm quite shy and really don't want him picking up that bad habit from me.
Last time we took him to the zoo he was 5 months old. It was very interesting because he has a cousin who is only 2 weeks older was with us. Lucas was out & about looking at all the animals, trying to touch everything. While his cousin spent the whole trip in his stroller being pushed around, how boring! We do have plans to take him to the zoo again this summer, and to the museum, country fairs, really everywhere a little man can go.
Lucas has a great fondness for motorcycles, but I'm not to sure I'm excited to encourage that interest!
So far our computer policy relates to not pulling all the cords out of the back, and to stop pushing the tower over (which he has done several times). The vacuum is actually his favourite toy & he's constantly trying to take it apart or use it.
Does anyone have suggestions for good children's computer games? I haven't been able to find anything I like.
Lots of Babies Tap & Type Was entertaining for awhile, but just taught him to mash the keyboard. Thankfully he's still far more interested in running around and causing mayhem. Against my better judgement I'll actually sit him in his playpen to watch television for 20 minutes if he needs a time out, because it's the only time he spends sitting still! (Unless he has a book) My only real interest with computer games was to teach him things like cause & effect, which he seems to have learned by pulling things off high shelves.
Unfortunately when it comes to forcing him to do things he doesn't like, at this age it's things like putting a diaper on, wearing a hat outside, or shoes, anywhere, so he doesn't have a choice yet

. I do try to encourage him to make as much mess when exploring as he needs to, I'm home all day anyway I don't mind putting everything back when he's done. Although that does lead to allot of hidden remote controls, pacifiers, and we finally go so tired of him stealing the phone we just bought a new one

What is the general consensus on actively teaching such a young child?
I had previously made the decision to leave him be until he was a little older (maybe start at 18 months?). We do allot of passive teaching, so at the grocery store we collect things that are all one colour or it's "look Lucas, 1, 2, 3 motorcycles on the road!" (DH decided my new nickname is "Sesame Street"). Is it to early to start teaching him different shapes or colours if he seems to retain it?
It's so funny how different every child is. Lucas couldn't care less if he fell down. He's constantly flying all over the house, and took at least one full-body leap off the couch (my heart stopped, but he landed on a pillow!). Right now his favourite game is "RUN AWAY!" which usually involves a very quick U-turn that ends up on the ground

Does anyone have toys they particularity love?
I knitted my son some DNA I'm quite proud of, but I think his new favourite is a plastic tool set (it's for an older child but I just removed the nuts so it's safe) someone gave us so he can pretend to work with his daddy. Of course the dogs bones & toys seem to be his real favourite.
Until about 3 months ago I had a very hard time getting him to play with toys. As a young baby he never had any interest in sitting still or manipulating his toys. Anything that made interesting sounds held his attention for a minute or two but then he was off again, exploring his new world

. First thing every morning he still does a complete round of the house, inspecting everything, saying hello to all the pets (2 dogs, 2 cats, fish) before he goes for the toy box.
Active in Lucas' case is a complete understatement, I'm ignoring all my fears that he could have ADHD (like my brother) because there is no use worrying until he is old enough to diagnose.
I really am glad I found some people who actually know what I'm talking about; I had previously tried to get some information on a regular parenting board and if you don't live it - you don't understand.
One last thing, I have to share that was so cute last night! I was watching TV last night while Lucas was winding down for bed (banging some plastic fruit together) when the phone rang on the television show and clear as day Lucas answers on his apple:
"Hello Daddy? Yes... yeah... oh! ablahablhablahahbah... No... ahblahablhahblahablaha... dog outside.... no... adadadada..."
Yeah, he's a year old, I'm so proud!