For those curious in my ongoing saga with DS6.
Last week our team (assistant principal, GT coordinator, K teacher, school counselor, school psychiatrist) met and talked about how can we make school better for DS6 over the next few weeks so he could leave for the summer on a positive note. The 1st grade teacher (the one where he seems to have all the issues) did not come to the meeting. I was told she had a last minute emergency and would be late but when we left the meeting she was in the office talking with the school secretary (but I am not jumping to any conclusions

Today I got an e-mail from the Assistant Principal telling me that DS6 is trying to
"sabotage" it. He has been to the office quite a few times this week for various behavior issues (nothing really different from the normal behavior issues this year).
The part I find funny is that DS6 was not at the meeting so he didn't hear the "adults" say that the rest of the school year was going to be more positive. Apparently when DS6 reacts the same way that he has all year this is considered sabatoge to their master plan of trying to make things more positive.
Thank goodness my summer nanny starts on Monday. DS6 will only attend K from here on out till the end of the school year. No need to have him blamed for sabotage for responding to his environment.
In other news I am working hard on opening our Private school for GT kids. We have another teacher interview next week and have been looking at real estate. I am getting more and more desperate for this to work out.
If DS6 has to stay in public school next year we at least did the IAS and he was a good canidate for acceleration. We also have the principal finally realizing that she must allow DS6 to accelerate. Too little, too late to save this year though.
The end of the school year can't come fast enough.