For additional resources look at this link, I know you probably don't want more testing at this point. Webb, N.Orleans might be close-ish...?
Have you looked at applying for the Davidson Young Scholar program? People on this forum speak highly of it regarding getting help they didn't know even existed for school and other issues. (children have to score 99.9th percentile on certain tests)
Also, please check out, 'Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted'. The upcoming national conference happens to be in Orlando, if that is nearby you. Might be a good opportunity to meet people and get some good perspectives/resources.
I am sorry to hear about your struggle, my ds is 8 also, and although behavior is really good most of the time, he feels isolated for several reasons and has ended up depressed because of this.
You sound like you are doing a good job seeking out things that work but just haven't found a fit yet. Tons of good info on this forum - Welcome!