Quick question before I head off to our meeting.

Our school sends out a prospective list of teachers and the grade's they will be teaching next year for request purposes. I just noticed there is a 2-3rd grade combo class next year. I normally request that my child not be put into combo classes but am now wondering if this is going to be what is put on the table for ds's needs.
I took the principal's teacher recommendation last year because I did not know any of the teacher's in first grade. I told her my son was advanced and that I needed a teacher that could meet his needs. In my opinion his needs have not been met and while I respect and personally like the current teacher she wasn't the best teacher for him.
I do not know the 2-3rd grade combo teacher at all. He has not taught at my son's school before. Uugh I hope this is not there only option they offer.

Now I am apprehensive.
What would you do if a combo class was offered?