Thanks for the giggles.
eyes: DH has dark brown eyes (his father had blue or green, but his mother is south american). His IQ is clearly higher than mine (after all, as he likes to remind me, he scored 0.2 percentile higher on the lsat than I did). I have blue. Three of my kids have brown eyes, two have blue, and there's one still in the oven.
morning sickness: usually I have a bunch of nausea, but the only times I have ever vomited during pregnancy were from a stomach bug or food poisoning.
My 12-month-old seems to be really late with teeth.
We're all short (ok, DH would tell me to speak for myself lOL. So, medium to short).
DH and I are both righties, though we both have left-handed brothers. Two of the older three kids are lefties (my VSLs, big shocker).
Once upon a time I thought I read someplace that large eyes were equated with intelligence (or maybe it was with VSLs). DH and the kids have relatively large eyes.