DS6 was one of those kids who just kind of always had an intense feel to him...I remember holding him on my lap at a summer meeting at my old school when I was a teacher and he was about 1.5 years old. He sat for over an hour going through book after book that I had in a basket for him. Several teachers made comments about how intense he was in looking through the books. He showed a massive interest in letters around age 2 and had them learned by age 3. He would yell out signs and such as he drove down the road. As an ex-Kindergarten teacher, I was the wacked mom when I saw he was interested in what everything was at age 2 that I "labeled" our house like I labeled my classroom. So he would gleefully run from room to room "reading" all the labels. He used to love sitting at the computer at age 3 and would ask us to find videos of his favorite things (school buses, trains, fire engines...) it got to the point that I just made him word cards with his favorite things on them and he knew how to get onto yahoo and would use his word cards and type the words into the search engines, he would use the mouse to choose which video he wanted to watch and he would just navigate his way around on the computer while we just sat and watched in awe. He was able to read beginning books by age 4 and now at age 6 the reading resource teacher at the local school helped us figure out that he is reading on a 5th grade level right now....but he has never learned phonetically -he just knows the words by sight...once he is told a word usually once, he just seems to remember it.
Last edited by Belle; 05/03/09 08:29 PM.