Kriston, have you thought about becoming a counselor/therapist in your next life? It could be a real calling.
Thanks for the compliment, and I'm very glad to help you, but if you knew me IRL, you'd know how LOUSY I'd be as a therapist! LOL! I see a solution and give it--often quite insistently/argumentatively!--which is not so good for counselors. (Dr. Phil notwithstanding, of course--my sister, the trained counselor, can't watch him without breaking out into hives! Hee hee!) But if you could imagine Spock counseling people, then you're pretty much right on target about how I'd look as a counselor...
Mostly it's just that I have been where you are. I know it's scary, and I completely sympathize. I also know from experience that it gets easier, that you'll find your niche, and that those things mostly just come with time and getting used to the new thing. In a year or so, you'll be an old hand giving help to others. Honest!
And FWIW, I, too, am an introvert. By far the hardest part of homeschooling for me has been getting enough social time for DS7 without completely burning myself out. Anything you can drop him off at--classes, playdates, YMCA, a babysitter's house--is a good choice.
Make sure you get enough alone time, but also expect to have to push your own boundaries a bit. You'll probably be out more than you WANT to, just be sure that you're not out more than you NEED to be. Know your limits. Take time away whenever you can. Think of it as self-maintenance so that you can be a better mom.
It's what I'm doing right now, actually, so I don't blow a gasket at my kids for their DISASTER AREA bedrooms and the whimpering they do when I tell them to clean up...
Did I mention that DS7 can't find his math book at all? Grrrr...
Yes, time away is a necessary thing sometimes, for the good of the children!