I am relatively new to this forum. Started lurking since yesterday afternoon. I am in the process of filling up DYS application for my DS10. She is not PG. Her VCI is 146, GAI is 136, PRI, WMI, PSI are in 118-128.
She more than meets the Duke Tip explore criteria for 5th grade, has scored an overall composite score of 21 plus meets the other subject requirements as well.
She is just a normal child, likes to read, write and do math. Nothing extraordinary otherwise. Is whole grade accelerated, and grade ahead in Math to 6th.
Her MAP scores in the beginning of 5th grade were Math: 255, English: 232.
Besides that, I don't know what to fill up in the application.
She is not in gifted program at school. The school principal is in complete denial of the test results. She doesn't want to accept the WISC-IV report, since we got it done from outside when she refused to get it done at school.
We really need some advocacy and any kind of help. She is not in any enrichment program either. She has been assigned to a teacher who is teaching for the first time- straight out of college.
Do you think with the scores she has, is their any chance of acceptance to DYS?