Had a conference with DD preschool teacher today. DD went to this preschool for a year when she was 2 1/2-3 1/2. After that, we started HS'ing DS, so we took her out to HS too. Well she is not an easy one to HS at all.

So we put her back in the same preschool Feb 1st. And we do have plans to send her to public K in the fall, so I need her to be ready for that classroom situation.
Her teacher told me today that DD is doing great academically, and already knows everything a child going into 1st grade would know. Here comes the BUT......but she's not doing so great behavior wise. She interrupts a lot, gets up to go do something else when the teacher is talking....things like that.

I didn't have these issues with DS, he has always been a rule follower. How am I going to send this little fire cracker to school in the fall?