This sounds exactly like my dd7(almost 8). It's kind of mysterious, because sometimes she is very, very good at math, and other times, it's as if she didn't turn her brain on, and I'll be asking a math question of her younger brothers, and she guesses and gets it wrong. Close but wrong (and what good is close).
I don't have an answer for you on the calculation issue. DD is a VSL, and according to Silverman that may be a reason why she's not good at the computation (has sequential weaknesses).
What's really frustrating to me is that she has a hard time listening and understanding when I attempt to explain things orally. She eventually covers her ears and tells me to stop it lol.
As far as the word problems go, dd reacts the same way. Sometimes she'll literally run away from the table. So far the best solution seems to be having her make a picture, in her head or even on paper, of the problem. (Trying to work with her VSL strengths.) Then she usually gets the answer instantly.
I bought a book for her younger brother's b-day yesterday (I'm sure he's too young for it but I was trying to have the same number of presents as I had for his twin brother lol) called Arithmetricks, supposedly with tricks to figure things out without a calculator. I haven't looked at it yet; I kind of assume it includes the same kinda stuff I do in my head to make calculation go quicker. I guess I'm hoping it'll present it in a way that's easier to understand than my own explanations.