Hi, I was wondering if anyone could give me specifics on this program. We have a day location nearby and DS8 was actually interested in attending. Problem is I misread the brochure and the courses that interested him were in the 4-6 program. Since he's currently in third grade, they'd put him in the 2-3 grade program. Have any of you been able to get your child in the 4-6 program when he or she would have been 2-3?
What is the program like? Is it school? Is there homework? Where do they find the teachers? Are they just local private school teachers teaching at their typical grade level?
I'd love some more details. I've searched the topic and only see reports of your DC either liking or not liking it, but not a lot of specifics. I'm thinking if DS wants to go to summer school, it's a step in the right direction for a kid who has hated school (to put the bad experiences behind him). But if possible, I'd like to know what to expect. Also, if he's limited to the grade 2-3 program, we'll skip it, as the courses don't interest him anyway.