What cracks me up is that he doesn't think of himself as "high" for 6th. That's a side benefit from both the skipping AND the great grouping he has this year. He still does extremely well in his class, but he's not so cocky about it,
We JUST had this same kind of conversation this week! DS and I were talking about his upcoming science fair and I pointed out that he's really going to have to say outright that he wrote his own little SAS program to analyze his data, because that won't be their first guess of how it happened (LOL) ...and he was like "really?" Yes, sweetie, most nine year olds do not write SAS programs for their science fair projects. You are actually unusually good at this, and "unusually"
enough that most people doing their own little bits of statistics in their heads are going to come up with a much greater likelihood that you don't know it than that you do. So feel free to ramble on and on about the program - it's better than you think!
Given the choice between having to convince him he's not half bad and having to bring him down a notch from obnoxious, I'll take this... but I do wish we could settle on a happy medium.