shelly...Have you ever consoled a mother who's son died as a result of ADD drug use? I have. I realize that research indicates that this is a one in a million chance, but how do you know which kid is the millionth one?
I am sorry you went through that, I have worked with children for years that are on ADHD medications and have never encountered any serious side effects, and have researched medications extensively as well. I will say I have read about a few similar cases usually posted by parents, as I have read about with tylenol and vitamins as well, but I would guess that there is more to the story. I would imagine in the case you have experienced that there was something else going on. Either a doctor that was not experienced in dosage levels was prescribing, or there were signs that were ignored by doctors, or the child took more than one dose at a time. At the clinic I worked at you could call at any time around the clock to speak with someone, and if you had any side effects at all you were to call. We didn't really get calls with ADHD meds, but a few with some other meds.
What I have seen is a TON of is children that have clear ADHD and can not focus on tasks at all. Children that are isolated by peers and are highly impulsive (knocking into kids accidently, blurting things out at inappropriate times, etc.). Children that can't sit when they are asked to sit, and can't do what they are asked to do even when they are trying hard. Children that can't understand why they are different and why the can't make sense of all the stuff going on in there heads and can't organize it. Children that are constantly forgetting things and feeling like there is something wrong with them and that they are stupid when they are not at all. Children that want friends, but have a hard time making/keeping them. Children that if you wait long enough and don't address it become very depressed. I have also met them as adults and heard them talk to me about what it was like before they were diagnosed and treated. I can't even count how many circumstances I have seen like this. Again, I am not a fan of medication for everyone. My philosophy is try everything else first, and if all else fails and you have weighed the side effects then try it. (But if you have ever tried to counsel a child with pretty extreme ADHD that is not on meds, good luck with that).
I have also seen parents that were originally against medication try it with their child (usually they are so against it they wait until after the child is failing and falling apart) these children truly blossom and feel so confident about themselves, it is truly a joy to watch. And despite all those people out there who truly don't know much at all about it and say "my friend had a child on meds who became a complete zombie on ADHD meds" I haven't seen it with ADHD meds. The few stories I have heard are usually about other drugs that people think are ADHD meds or were taken in the wrong manner. And if there were side effects, I would hope they would go back to the doctor to address it because it shouldn't be that way. I am not getting paid by drug companies to do advertisements, and like I said I don't think every kid that can't sit still should be on meds (or else my son would be on ADHD meds as well). I do think that it overdiagnosed in some school systems and doctors offices in children that are either active, gifted, or even sometimes that have parents that don't set clear limits so their child is used to doing whatever. I just can't stand watching how many children truly have ADHD and are suffering because parents don't look into everything and weigh the costs and benefits. I see it often. Parents who say "I would never put my kids on meds" and I just watch their child fall apart more and more each day. It is sad to watch.