My DS read well above grade level too and I've always found that interesting. He was just able to compensate and "read between the lines" to understand what he read. What I was mainly concerned about was his handwriting, it was atrocious! He couldn't line numbers up either. I just didn't realize his reading off the line, and reversing words and his handwriting were all related to the same problem.
The school told me he wasn't eligible for services (???) so they did nothing formal. He was getting really good grades and I was taking care of everything anyway, so I didn't need them to really do anything and I didn't pursue it further. His teacher was wonderful about giving him accommodations though so it wasn't a problem. If you have an understanding teacher that is a great place to start. If you can get something formal, that would be even better, because then you don't have to just hope for understanding in the future. I hope you have better luck than we did! But the good news is, after about 6 months of vision therapy he was so much better he didn't need very many accommodations any more anyway. Hopefully you'll have the same kind of success!!!