Hi Mamabear,
I just want to add that we too are doing vision therapy and it is definitively worth it.
Not being able to ride the bike can be due to those vision problems, I know that for my own experience. As an adult, my equilibrium was so bad that I could not stand on a chair or go up/down the stairs without holding to something. After vision therapy (as an adult) I have had not more problems anymore.
For DD, the regular ophthalmologist did not find anything wrong, but the behavioral optometrist did. We had very bad luck with the first one because she was 'playing psychologist' with DD in front of her but I found another one and now we do our exercises at home.
At the beginning those exercises were extremely difficult for DD and it was really difficult to motivate her - I had to use bribery - but now that she herself if noticing the improvement she is more and more into doing them.
In our experience it was better to start with very simple exercises and very very gradually increase the difficulty and give a lot of praise on how well she is improving.
off the track: Incogneato: if you like people who talk fast then you would love me