I don't think I was one of the nasty ones (I hope not!

), but I recall being skeptical because of the press the family attracted. My big question with publicity surrounding a PG child is always "What are your reasons for putting your child in the news? Why are you publicizing the child in this way? How is this good for your child?" Too often in such cases, there's no good answer.
The reason the family offers for going public--to meet other PG kids and their families--makes sense. (It wouldn't be the approach I'd use, certainly, but at least it's a reason I can understand and support.) They do seem to be working for the good of their child. As long as that's what's happening, I have no criticisms to offer.
I think this is a better portrait of the child than we got before. It seems like the interviewer was pretty sympathetic/supportive. That helps.