Just wanted to say first that I love this site, wish I had looked for something like this sooner! Anyway this is my first post!

How old was your child when you suspected that might be gifted?

I didn't, my sister-in-law did when DD5 was about 6 or 7 months old, she commented that babies just don't know all their body parts at this age

How old was your child when you knew for sure, and what tipped you off?

I was starting to get it when she knew all her ABC's before she could say them (12 months) We use to play this game in the bathtub, I took little sponge ABC's and would toss them into the tub in no order, I would ask her to pick the _ letter and she would get it. She was deep in thought one day and blurted out Mommy begins with the letter "M" mmmmmmmmmmm ,she was 18 months old, shortly after that she was reading the street signs not just "stop" and "no right turn" I mean street names. entering kindergarten she can read anything you or I can. Also before 2 years she could count to 100 by 1's, 2's, 5's, 10's. There's so many more things I could go on and on

How old was your child when, and if, you had them tested?

Have not had her tested yet, Did not have her in pre-school or daycare so this year is a new school experience, and so far she loves it. (although she's already told me she wants to go to 2nd grade now) she's 5 and just started kindergarten, her teacher has already talked to me and said she has a photographic memory, we have conferences next week so I'm really looking forward to it. smile
