Hello and thank you in advance for reading this! I've learned so much here (including the directive to be concise so I promise I’ve tried hard to edit). I would love thoughts about my 11yo twins' neuropsychs and the discrepancies therein. I am also interested in any neuro-affirming or 2e therapist/psychiatrist/evaluator recommendations in NJ or NYC.
My kids were evaluated so we could learn more about their interesting brains, to help us advocate for the help/enrichment we feel they need etc. My daughter exhibits many behaviors consistent with girls with ADHD (sensory issues, difficulty with transitions, interruptive, sensitive, hyperfocuses on creative projects etc, anxiety etc etc) and/or maybe PDD? (Also ADHD/giftedness runs in the family). She has always seemed (to us and other adults) to have gifts in the sense she makes these surprisingly sophisticated analogies, and in her writing and drawing. However often she doesn’t really “get” basic things. She does very well in school, behaves well, and scores in the top tier on standardized tests.
My son is a deep thinker and a clearly gifted kid who has many ADHD characteristics (very poor organizational skills/memory, procrastination, sensitivity, can’t sit still at home) but seems to hide them well at school and doesn’t disrupt. He is well above grade level in school (and bored!), but makes careless mistakes and really takes his time.
The neuropsychologist administered a battery of tests in a 4-hour session with one or two super quick breaks. While the psychologist did note some discrepancies, he didn’t find them concerning and said lots of kids have discrepancies and certain low scores were likely due to lack of motivation or anxiety. He didn’t think either had ADHD or other learning differences. Thank you so so much for any thoughts, referrals or insights!!!! Maybe I'm just overthinking everything. This had been a long road.
This is my DAUGHTER’S WISC-V (FSIQ 107)
-Does it seem feasible she could be 2e or just neurodivergent? Should I get a second opinion to try to understand this better? (He just recommended CBT and meds for anxiety)
(121) VCI - 92% (119) Verbal (Exp. Crystallized) - 90%
---15 Similarities - 95% —15 Similarities 95%
–-13 Vocab - 84% –-13 Vocab 84%
–-12 Information -75% –-12 Information 75%
–-13 Comprehension - 84% –-13 Comprehension 84%
(117) VSI- 87% (89) Expanded Fluid - 23%
–-13 Block Design 84% –-07 Matrix Reasoning 16%
–-13 Visual Puzzles - 84% –-06 Figure Weights 09%
(79) FRI- 08% –-09 Picture Concepts 37%
–-07 Matrix Reasoning - 16% –-12 Arithmetic 75%
–-06 Figure Weights -09% (94) Quantitative Reasoning - 34%
–-09 Picture Concepts -37% –-06 Figure Weights 09%
–-12 Arithmetic - 75% –-12 Arithmetic 75%
(115) WMI- 84% (116) Auditory Working Memory- 86%
–12 Digit Span 75% —12 Digit Span 75%
–13 Picture Span 84% –-14 Letter-Number Sequencing 91%
–14 Letter-Number Sequencing 91% (103) Nonverbal - 58%
(103) PSI - 58% –-13 Block Design 84%
–-11 Coding 63% –-13 Visual Puzzles 84%
–-10 Symbol Search 50% –-07 Matrix Reasoning16%
–-06 Cancellation 09% –-06 Figure Weights 09%
–-09 Picture Concepts 37%
–-11 Coding 63%
(105) General Ability -63%
–-15 Similarities 95%
–-13 Block Design 84%
–-07 Matrix Reasoning 16%
–-06 Figure Weights 09 %
(111) Cognitive Proficiency - 77%
–-12 Digit Span 75%
–-13 Picture Span 84%
–-11 Coding 63%
–-10 Symbol Search 50%
-Child and Adolescent Memory Profile (CHAMP) 105 Total Memory 63 % w/subtests ranging from 7-15
-Connor’s Continuious Performance Test =Scores in 40s. 3 Low & 6 average
-Reynolds (RIT) - Object Interference=49 (average), Color Interference=58 (above av)
This is my SON'S 2nd WISC-V (FSIQ 129)
(His WISC-V from 3 years ago had VCI=146, VSI=135, FRI=118, WMI=110, PSI=100)
-His discrepancies are not as big as they were 3 years ago, but combined with the Champ, RIT and CCPT, there seems to be a pattern.
(121) VCI -92% (127) Verbal (Exp. Crystallized) - 84%
---13 Similarities - 96% —13 Similarities 85%
–-15 Vocab - 95% –-15 Vocab 95%
–-15 Information -95% –-15 Information 95%
–-15 Comprehension - 95% –-13 Comprehension 84%
(126) VSI- 96% (89) Expanded Fluid - 23%
–-15 Block Design 95% –-07 Matrix Reasoning 16%
–-14 Visual Puzzles - 91% –-06 Figure Weights 09%
(118) FRI- 88% –-09 Picture Concepts 37%
–-11 Matrix Reasoning - 16% –-12 Arithmetic 75%
–-15 Figure Weights -95% (94) Quantitative Reasoning - 34%
–-11 Picture Concepts -63% –-06 Figure Weights 09%
–-19 Arithmetic - 99.9% –-12 Arithmetic 75%
(110) WMI- 75% (116) Auditory Working Memory- 86%
–18 Digit Span 99% —12 Digit Span 75%
–05 Picture Span 5% –-14 Letter-Number Sequencing 91%
–15 Letter-Number Sequencing 95% (103) Nonverbal - 58%
(105) PSI 63% –-13 Block Design 84%
–-11 Coding 63% –-13 Visual Puzzles 84%
–-11 Symbol Search 63% –-07 Matrix Reasoning16%
–-06 Cancellation 09% –-06 Figure Weights 09%
–-09 Picture Concepts 37%
–-11 Coding 63%
(105) General Ability -63%
–-15 Similarities 95%
–-13 Block Design 84%
–-07 Matrix Reasoning 16%
–-06 Figure Weights 09 %
(111) Cognitive Proficiency - 77%
–-12 Digit Span 75%
–-13 Picture Span 84%
–-11 Coding 63%
–-10 Symbol Search 50%
-Child and Adolescent Memory Profile (CHAMP) = low average
-Connor’s Continuious Performance Test =Scores in 40s. 3 Low & 6 average
-Reynolds (RIT) Object Interference =42 (below average), Color Interference =52 (average)