Hi! I'm new here.
I would like to use WPPSI-IV for my son's DYS application, but he is 2e and was tested as part of his ADHD diagnostic work-up, i.e., unmedicated. His score showed a relative weakness in working memory and processing speed (both in the high average range), which was actually in such sharp contrast to his Verbal Comp, Visual Spatial, and Fluid Reasoning scores that it helped to cement the ADHD diagnosis.
As a result, his full-scale IQ came out below the 145+ cut-off. However, his report did not include the indices that DYS will accept in cases like this, particularly GAI. His GAI subtest scores were: Block Design 19, Information 18, Matrix Reasoning 16, Similarities 17. He also scored 19 in Visual Puzzles, meaning that he got perfect scores in both Visual Spatial subtests and received a scaled IQ result of 155 in that area.
The testing was performed just over 5 years ago, in July 2018, so I understand that he will need to present a portfolio when he applies. But is there any way to calculate his GAI from the subtest scores without going back to the original psychologist?
If I provide his exact age at the time of testing, will this allow someone else to calculate this index, and does DYS perform this step for people in our situation? The testing psychologist no longer works at the clinic that issued the report, so I am not sure that it would be possible to have the report "reissued" with the designations of the original clinic. And furthermore, even if I am able to track this person down, I am not sure that I will be able to get them to update the report at all, given the time that has passed.