@ aeh: Thanks back for expanding on strategies for self-compassion in daily routine!
This is really some very useful and also nice stuff to incorporate. (imo independently of giftedness).
I would see it that way: the more it interferes with some of your daily life functions, the more it becomes a disorder. Further comments from my side:
1. How old are you, if I may ask?
2. Seeing it too much as a disorder, or focusing too much on the fact that it's a negative, won't be helpful. (Been there, done that). What helped me is to focus more on the fact that, like everyone else, also non-gifted people, maybe some things are not working out, and I have to put some effort in to make them work. (Or as I like talking to myself in plain english: "it sucks, but it will get better").
3. Be careful to be specific in what you call the disorder, or the negative or whichever word you choose: it is not about the way you process information as a whole, even less about you as a person. It is simply about some little tweaks that you want to incorporate.
4. If you feel like sharing, go ahead and give some tangible examples of your day-to-day struggles.
I cannot guarantee, but some more specific advice could be of further help.