Spinning off the Juneteenth thread from last month,
http://giftedissues.davidsongifted....eteenth_Independence_Day.html#Post247242I thought this could be a thread for people and kids interested in educational and inspirational civil rights/human rights leadership resources and a place to note amazing milestones in civil rights as we are living, and hopefully striving together, through turbulent times.
I wanted to note this new film out on u.s. civil rights leader John Lewis,
https://www.johnlewisgoodtrouble.com/As some of you may know, John Lewis just passed yesterday, so this film is very timely.
Interested to know if others have additional resources to note.
One other terrific thing I saw - Simone Biles on the cover of the August Vogue! She has been standing up for sexual assault victims in sports for a couple of years now, as well as continuing to kill it in gymnastics.