When he was 4, DS's favorite show was Marketplace and he would have a fit if I turned it off. Recently, our NPR station has added "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" which we are all really happy with and listen to together every saturday morning. And he likes "Prairie Home Companion" especially the annual Joke show.
My husband and I love NPR news, but my DS11 is very sensitive to the injustice in the world and he finds it really hard to hear about how many people have died in the middle east on a given day--and all the suffering in the world in general that he can't do anything about--so we rarely have it on when he is around. I remember on Sept 11, when he had just turned 6, he came into the room where I was watching events unfold on TV and he said, "I know it's important to know about, but do we really have to SEE it?" and I realized he was right, it was more information than he could emotionally process. We turned off the TV that day and haven't had it on since. I get my news from NPR while I'm commuting without him. DS does follow the news, but he skims the articles in the paper, that seems to be less distressing to him.