it looks like i'm actually starting this parent's group. i have to say, i'm dreading it. i hate -really, am borderline phobic of- public speaking. i'm not very organized. and i have a lot of doubts about how much it can accomplish. and i really don't have the time or energy.
i'm doing it anyway.
i set up an email address and a facebook page. i shared about the group at two HSA meetings, and the HSA for my son's school is "hosting" the first meeting.
i talked to the district about it. (they said they were supportive, but then asked that there be no mention of them on the page/flyer/etc.) they're distributing a flyer district-wide, so that's something.
so. i guess this is happening. unless i chicken out at the last minute. which i (probably) won't do.
thank you all for the encouragement and support, even if it does feels like an exercise is masochism... and the group hasn't even started yet. lol but seriously. i wouldn't have moved forward if it weren't for y'all.
and i'm sure i'll be back with more questions and the like.