Trying to think through DS8's math options for next year. This is his history:
1st grader
2nd grade after school math (Beast Academy - in a physical classroom)
summer: did 3rd grade Beast Academy on his own to skip ahead because after school math pace was too slow
2017-2018: (this year)
2nd grader
3rd grade in-school math (subject accelerated)
4th grade after school math (Beast Academy)
Based on how easy the 4th grade Beast Academy is, we're starting to work on our own on the 5th grade series with the idea he can skip ahead next school year to Prealgebra at the after school academy.
So here's the two questions I'm facing...
1) After school math -- he's flying through it and it seems to be clicking. But there is some amazing, really fun math in there. Should we really be doing it this fast? Is that sad?

2) In school math -- he can test and SSA next year again which would make him a 3rd grader in 5th grade math. However, DS begged and cried for the first SSA but seems whatever about the second one. He's had a perfect score on every assignment/test one grade up this year, but maybe it has been closer to the right level and he's not so annoyed at it? If he isn't asking for it, isn't it just me pushing it at this point?
If we wait another year and let him coast this next year, and he skips in 4th grade to 6th grade math that will be delivered via computer and we won't have him in a class with kids two years older. He's not had any social issues one grade up though, so maybe I'm overly concerned about two years up socially.
My instinct is to skip him after school class now and then he should be set up at a great pace for the rest of the way. The 5th grade math feels like the last one it's acceptable to rush through, from my point of view. The in school math I think I may let him coast for another year, where a best friend is likely to join him one grade up and he can do the second skip in another year and again should be on the right pace the rest of the way as he hits honors classes, etc in middle and high school.