DS7 on how to remember the cardinal points:
"I use 'Never Enter Santa's Washroom' or occasionally, I use 'Never Eat Shredded Wheat'"
I don't think he invented the first and I know he didn't invent the second, but I loved the casual use of "occasionally". Both DSs have always used that kind of vocabulary, even from a young age.
And at DS6's parent teacher meeting: The teacher's only complaint was that he sometimes/often tries to read his own book during class, such that he isn't paying attention.
And after reading A Passion for Elephants (The Real Life Adventure of Field Scientist Cynthia Moss), DS6 asked me if I thought elephants would be extinct in about 20 years. When I asked him why, he explained that he wanted to work to protect elephants when he is old enough. He figured 26 was about right.
There's some pretty fun stuff going on with DSs these days. Isn't it great to watch them develop?