Is she looking at art on Wattpad? My question has nothing to do with your post - I'm just curious! My older dd and her friends used to be very into Wattpad about 3-4 years ago (when they were around 11-12 years old) and I thought it was just writing. OTOH, I never actually looked at it lol!
Re how your dd feels about her own artwork compared to others - this is jmo, but I feel strongly that the best way to grow self-confidence in a young artist (of any persuasion - painting, music, performing, whatever) - is to work with teachers/mentors/peers/friends in person, who are able to give you both suggestions and the natural self-confidence boosts that come when someone else looks at your work and admires it without prompting. It's easy to look at things that are posted online, hang in museums, or are pictured in books and think that they are unachievable because they are so amazing - but just like social media, books/museums/etc don't feature the messy part or learning process of art, just finished magnificent publishing-worthy pieces, which are wonderful to look at for ideas, but the real fun and learning in art takes place in actually creating, experimenting, learning from something that didn't turn out exactly as you'd envisioned it, sharing a moment with another person who also enjoys the process that you enjoy, sharing advice and tips, appreciating each other's work.
Just my 2+ cents

Best wishes,