I know I'm late to this discussion, but I also wanted to help with spam control.

My DS7's public school just implemented a new system this school year called PBS (positive behavior system I believe). I attended the parent info. meeting this past week and from what the teachers and principals say it seems to be working. The school was using the color coded cards which kids would flip after a misbehavior and last year had their highest number of discipline referrals so they decided to try this new system.
It is all about praise, rewards (they get tokens which they get "bucks" for and then they can use them on various rewards like eating lunch with the teacher, helping out in the library or office, or a no homework pass. There are others, but I didn't think I should list them all.

If they want to save them up they can and there are monthly parties which cost 45 bucks I think.
The rules (be responsible, be proud, be respectful, and show kindness) are posted everywhere to remind them....hallways, classrooms, bathrooms, cafeteria, and on the buses. The principal was saying he already saw a difference in the cafeteria and it wasn't but a week into the new school year yet.
I don't think that DS has "bought" into the system really. I did talk to him about it, but most of the rewards don't seem interesting to him, although he does like the ice cream party planned for the end of Sept. He also thinks that the teacher isn't seeing all the good behavior he is showing. He only has 3 tokens this first week when others have 5 or 6.
I do think that this behavior system will work with a lot of the students and I think that the idea of teaching them about positive behavior (they have mini lessons to help with that)is a good thing. Like acs' DS' school, the principal and counselor do realize that most of the problems stem from bad family situations so they offer counselling to help the child cope.
Ok I've rambled on enough.