Relatively new and great non-fiction graphic comics for this age group:
- The Human Body Theatre by Maris Wicks
- And the whole Science Comics series (the first is Coral Reefs - Cities of the Ocean by Maris Wicks) is terrific as well. There are already four or five and more will be coming out soon (including one on the human brain!).
- Also, Sea Creatures #1, Reef Madness and Sea Creatures #2, Armed and Dangerous by Christophe Cazenove. There are likely more coming out, as they were first published in French and there are more available in the French series.
- And also, older but still great: All of the Joseph Midthun Building Blocks of Science and Building Blocks of Math books.
DS6 loves all of the above!
And I would almost recommend to add the Beast Academy books on the list! DS6 has taken to reading them for pleasure.