DS has been auditioning all month, and they seem to be going exceptionally well. It seems to be rather unique to audition on his particular instrument, especially for his intended major, but the interviewers seem to appreciate it. And he seems to be charming the department heads. Or at least, they call him a "very interesting young man" and send him to talk to other people in the program. His on-campus visits have to counter his poor transcript, though; this has even been acknowledged by at least one interviewer.
Whatever happens, I am so happy that the kid who could be reduced to shivers at the very thought of having to talk to someone, can walk confidently into a college interview. The kid who got such stage fright just doing his music assessment in front of his band director, can play an �tude in front of 6 professors, once with an accompanist he had met only 30 minutes before. As his social worker said, "he is more DS!" One more audition to go, then it's a month of waiting for more envelopes.
In another step forward, DS will actually participate in an area-wide group competition, this one for Computer Science, next week...and even remembered to give me the permission slip!