I agree with many of your thoughts
(notnafnaf), however I am personally a fan of summer break.

I highly value having 2 months for child-driven learning, camps, veggie gardening, travel, family time, vacation...
Ach, I'm sure we'd most of us love 2 months off for child-driven learning, camps, veggie gardening, travel, family time, vacation... Trouble is, people who are dependent on public schools mostly can't afford it.
According to wikipedia figures cited upthread,
87% of US school-age children attend public schools (are dependent on public schools); Are you suggesting that nearly 87% of US families cannot afford some type of out-of-school summer activities?
It's not about you, or people like you.
This appears to make assumptions about me, personally... which may not be correct.
However, since you opened a conversation about who the system's impacts are "about"... Some may say that a US voucher system, a US school-year schedule, the US Education Secretary, and the role of the US Department of Education are "
not about you, or people like you", as your profile states that your location is outside the US... in Europe.
impact of a voucher system... financial aspect... on school composition and student demographics - in the communities in which it would actually mostly be implemented.
It is my understanding that the use of vouchers would most likely be utilized in the communities where parents want to exercise a choice of another school option or learning environment for their child(ren)... whom they believe would
benefit by leaving their current school or learning environment.
The areas in which the system were to have an impact are not areas where there are only 13% special needs students.
Do you have a source for this?
It remains to be seen what changes DeVos may make in the Department of Education, and how the Department of Education may change DeVos.