Wow! Thank you for so many ideas! He does have some words but he doesn't really use them. He's ahead of normal development, but DS9 was SO VERBAL at this age, DS1 *feels* behind. It's weird.
I especially like the map idea. We get maps from Nat Geo in most issues. I usually toss them, but I can hang them low for toddler entertainment!
I will have to figure out puzzles. He is spoiled by ipad puzzle apps where the pieces magically pop into place. whoops! He seems to like fiddly little things. I will look around for puzzles I can make or buy.
@notnafnaf thanks for magnatiles suggestion. I looked at them at Christmas, they looked interesting.
@Portia thanks for the Montessori suggestion! I will look there!
@indigo I love your "sportscaster" suggestion! That would keep him occupied and brain-busy while I do ordinary things. 'cause lordy knows that dishes and laundry don't come to a stand-still just because a kid wants/needs attention! Thank you also for the suggestion to make a self-soothing place! It's so sad when he runs to a corner mid-meltdown.

Corners aren't very comforting places! While brainstorming this I remembered a mini pop up tent we used to keep him in the shade last summer. I don't have a way to make a swing or rocker, but I can make a cave <3
Thank you for all the ideas, even those I didn't respond to directly. I appreciate the help from all your been-there-done-that experience! DS9 was intense in a quiet, focused, and easy sort of way. I was not prepared for this!