I do not think you are going to find a nice pat syndrome name for that. I could write a similar list for my ten year old and have given up looking. Though they did tell us if we wanted it, we could have an ADHD diagnosis right away, but we refused, since he functions alright without medication and he wouldn't get accommodations in school anyway since he is doing so well academically.
It personally helps me to think of it from a functional perspective: stuff that looks like ADHD (or executive function delay, as I think it should be called, you may quote me in medical journals, thank you very much) I read up on how to help a kid with that specific EF problem. With stuff that looks more like ASD, I read up on that, same for stuff that looks more like SPD.
However, I do believe that now they are approaching adolescence, they will have to find the motivation themselves to work on their issues.
For instance, concerning vestibular issues, the OT told us he did not need any more OT when he was seven, but it took him till he was 9 to learn how to pump a swing and he only found the motivation because he realized his baby sister, four years younger, could do it!
With his screaming whenever he needs to touch wet fabric, I have to admit that I shouted back that touching wet laundry in order to hang it up or put it in the dryer is a life skill he needs to handle before he moves out, so he better start pulling himself together and practice. Well, guess that touches the emotional self regulation angle as well.
I guess when he makes his own money and still can't handle touching wet fabric, he can buy himself one of these washer dryer combinations that consumer portals always say keep breaking down. Until then, he better learn.