If you take a look at the CC standards website, it indicates that Integrated 1, 2, and 3 have the same content as alg I, alg II, and geometry, and similarly lead to precalculus. The primary difference is that geometry is woven throughout the integrated courses.
As it happens, I've used what CC calls the compacted integrated model with our homeschooled children (because we've used a Singapore-published standard-track math curriculum, which is designed to complete algebra II-level topics in 10th grade--note that this is not considered compacted in its country of origin), and have found it to be quite well laid out, with a particular advantage of making the function of algebra in geometry much more immediately understood. (I can't speak to how well US-published curricula have integrated the topics.)
page 4 has a simple schematic for the pathways, and the remainder of the appendix shows how the topics are divided across the classes in the various models, so you can compare traditional alg I/geo/alg II to Int 1/2/3: