This is all very interesting. I will probably ask when we get the reading results if they did the higher test the second time for math or not. The question about projected scores is also interesting. The projected spring score for DS is 229, which is like 9th grade according to info that f&esmom linked to? I can't imagine DS being at 9th grade level by spring, he will barely be 7. There must be something wonky with this test.
Looking at the data it looks like if I use the lower score of 217 it would also put him at 99th%ile for beginning second graders and the 98th%ile for beginning third graders. It put him around the 80's for fourth 60's for fifth and 50's for 6th graders. I'm not sure how he could know as much math as the average sixth grader having only done math up to about halfway through 3rd grade! He was pretty into math last year and read Penrose books and we talked to him about math concepts he was interested in. He watched some stuff on youtube about infinities and was really into that for a while. He was crazy about graphing equations for about a week. But last I checked he can't even do long division and, while he's great at fractions, we never taught him decimals and he sometimes gets confused about the symbols for greater than and less than.
In a funny story, they reported that when he took the test he was very concerned about getting items wrong. When they told him he was supposed to get stuff wrong so that they could find out what he still needs to know, he then got worried that if he guessed (which they told him it was OK to do) that he might guess right and they would think he knew something that he didn't actually know and it would mess up the whole test. So, if anyone here is on the committee for this test, my DS thinks you should have a skip button