I find quite often that my idea of what is a reasonable request to the school differs from opinions on here.

Can I use you as a sounding board to see what's reasonable?
My K son is in a smaller school environment. There are only 2 K classes in his program. This year we got lucky in that there are 3 kids (my son and 2 other boys) that appear to all be in that ~135ish IQ area and are math kids.
I would like to email the principal and ask if my son can be placed together with one of these boys (or possibly both) for 1st grade next year. It has been a HUGE help to my son to be in class with these kids. Is that reasonable? Is there a right way to word it?
The 3 have learned nothing in math all year in class, but they get each other and have a peer group at school. Also they talk about things like multiplication and prime numbers during math when the other students are still working on the assignment and during recess, etc.
The 3 kids from this class plus 2 girls from the other class get pulled out once a week for gifted services run by a parent. So the school may see this as satisfying the peer group component, but of course there's a huge difference between one hour a week and all week being in the same class.
Complicating the issue is that one of the girls has a mom (a friend of mine, not complaining here) that's asking to be in with the group of 3 boys that are together now, because she can see that it has benefited my son. Ideally they'd take all 5 AIG kids and put them in the same classroom and they could be grouped together for instruction, but I don't think it's likely the school would be willing to do that. I'm not sure the teachers would be happy to divide things up that way.
You can see even from this discussion I'm not really articulating well what I want.

I don't know what to ask for. Ideally all 5 kids could be grouped together. I think that's best for those 5 kids. I don't think that would make a huge difference for my son though, because I think actual differentiated instruction is unlikely next year. So I think for him I'm more likely to get and the most important part would be to be grouped with one of those 2 boys.