Aeh, this is helpful information! I agree that with this kinda of math tests, he would show no advantage at all or might be lower than others as he makes careless mistakes. However, when he does Beast Academy problem sets at home, he routinely goes directly to the most challenging problems and skip through the rest, with no repetition needed.
This is a description of the program: (deleted)
In the past, math was taught one grade level higher than regular class and mathmatically advanced students were allowed to move up further. With the implementation of common core last year, the math curriculum is now kept at grade level and go "deeper" with no student allowed to skip

. So I agree this program is not for a math gifted kid. As DS is only slighted higher than grade level in reading and writing, so there seems to be so benefits the program can bring after all, except for maybe social aspect, that he will have better chance to find like minded peers.